Page name: Dawn Comic [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-12-07 20:14:22
Last author: Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea
Owner: None
# of watchers: 7
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2004-10-27 [.+*Visions of Falling Stars*+.]: Woah finally up and running XD well done Leon *pet* im proud of you!! ..... *picks up and swirls around* Dizzy yet? @.@

2004-10-27 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: XDD I always get petted ¬_¬

2004-10-27 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: I may work on drafting some more pages.. The fact that i'm a bit lazy at the moment sucks XP

2004-10-28 [.+*Visions of Falling Stars*+.]: Nah your not lazy at all, you've been working your ass off on this comic!! *hugz* well done

2004-10-28 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: *Yawns*.. Yeah.. It doesn't feel like I have.. But if it shows, I guess I have been.. *hugs back* Thanks..

2004-10-29 [VIVI1001]: i have just started sketching out the first frame of issues 1 pg 1. I have changed it a tiny bit though, I’m keeping it in pencil until you have seen it. =P agh! im goanna need more inking pens X_x

2004-10-29 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Ja. >.>; Saw it

2004-11-02 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: No! >_< We're totally gonna have to pause the Comic and Story- Unless you have some of it to do- I'm having aload of tests to get ready for GCSE.. And my Coursework is like.. Well, usually you'd be on Lv 2 and okay. Im on Lv10 Coursework alert :|.. Laters.

2004-11-14 [carrot_queen]: sam,e here buddy, history maths physics and english all due in next week....and....pooop....sociology too......... O.O

2004-11-14 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: It's slowly killing all of us ¬_¬;

2004-11-14 [VIVI1001]: were going to need more artists...i'm going to have a hard time doing all this during my REAL GCSE's and during collage

2004-11-14 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Yes, but nobody has the skills of CG anywhere -.-'

2004-11-14 [DELETED_FOREVER]: Do you need any other charechters

2004-11-14 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: When I get back to writing the story again, I may. Why you ask?

2004-11-14 [DELETED_FOREVER]: I just would like to be involved in somthing for once I am extremely bored,and my friends are at a i guess just to make new friends..damn stars*polishes them*they are never bright enough and they are my light the sun is no longer mine-.-

2004-11-14 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Oh I see... Well I think when the story gets up and running, we may have a spot for you ^^, but untill then, would you like to support us?

2004-11-14 [DELETED_FOREVER]: mhm of course i see no reason not to my friend^^

2004-11-14 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Cool ^^ *Toddles off and adds [DELETED_FOREVER]'s name*

2004-11-15 [DELETED_FOREVER]: thank you^^

2004-11-18 [VIVI1001]: i might be able to find some CG artists to help us, my friends might help out. CG take a long time (for me anyway) so the inside pages will have to be in black and white outilne.

2004-11-18 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: outline? and the inline in colour, im presuming? :/

2004-11-19 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Wahay! This Wiki is looking alot neater thanks to yours truely XP

2004-11-19 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Dudes! Dawn FAQ XPPP!!

2004-11-19 [iceman798]: I like to help i can't draw but i can wright, so this is "*iceman*"

2004-11-20 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Heh, sounds cool ^^

2004-11-20 [duktape]: *feels special*

2004-11-20 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: XD Why so special?

2004-11-20 [duktape]: cuz i get to support ur wiki!

2004-11-20 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Heh, Okay ^^

2004-11-20 [duktape]: ^_~

2004-12-07 [.+*Visions of Falling Stars*+.]: Leon, aren't i meant to be editing or some shit O.o i sorta need drafts to do that... very much appreciated dude

2004-12-07 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Sara, don't I have school and aload of other stuff to cope with? I'm trying my best to do it -.-

2004-12-09 [VIVI1001]: Fucking hell! I have FINALLY finished the Dawn front cover :D I’m happy with the way its turned out, that was defiantly the hardest picture that I have ever done in CG. it just needs to be signed by you now Leon. Exams are now over, I can now get back to working on Dawn again. we are going to some Concept art done for the characters or I cant draw them.

2004-12-10 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Okay..

2004-12-10 [DELETED_FOREVER]: How have you all been ,?

2004-12-12 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Cool I guess you?

2004-12-15 [DELETED_FOREVER]: healing froma battle

2004-12-16 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: o.o; ok

2004-12-21 [DELETED_FOREVER]: yes..long ass stoy i do not wish to tell

2004-12-22 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Whenever you wish to tell, go ahead ^^; noone here will say anything bad about it, and if they will they won't be contributing to Dawn comic if they wished to before :D

2004-12-25 [DELETED_FOREVER]: Alright ..well..I was out in a little feeding frenzy and had that durn being watched feeling and then I started being atacked from all different angles..I was surrounded by arrows and shot several tmes in the chest and the arm and someone sliced my leg with a sword and then after they almost had me beaten they treid to caprutre me!They half succeeded..I was tto weak to fight back and let them take me..and then well....and then i was sort of rescued by somone who only meant to kill me anyway but there was a price for it...and then they kept spekaing in some foreign language..and was one big mess..and i still heal from it!

2004-12-26 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Okay

2005-02-13 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Oh my... Been sooooo long since I was on this wiki :| Sorry for any inconvinience guys..

2005-02-13 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: New character- Sin... XP New concepts for [VIVI1001].. Annnnnddddd pg 6 & 7 are drafted.. *Update on news*

2005-02-13 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Hey guys.. I've decided that Sinnikyn is going to have a selection of weapons throughout the comic. I think I'll start designing the weapons and see what our Illustator thinks...

2005-02-13 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Gah, such a bummer that there was such a delay with this... *Dies*

2005-02-13 [lluvia]: er..leon im losted!!!!

2005-02-13 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: XD Wahay, you got lost in how many seconds? 2 or 3, was it? *Ponders*

2005-03-29 [DELETED_FOREVER]: how is everyone?

2005-04-23 [.+*Visions of Falling Stars*+.]: Wow. I need drafts. I need work. GIMME!

2005-04-26 [Yhkamc Tacanja Du Tea]: Woah @_@ Aint seen you in a soon, ey? XP

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